Among the visiting faculty sharing their expertise with Holy Cross students this semester is Rev. Fr. Theodore Dorrance, who is teaching Parish Leadership and Administration, a course required of all Master of Divinity students. Fr. Dorrance received his own MDiv from Holy Cross in 1990 and was ordained to the holy priesthood in 1991. In the four decades since, he has acquired the breadth and depth of experience in parish leadership that make him ideally suited to help prepare current students at his beloved alma mater for their future roles as clergy and lay leaders in the Church.
Fr. Dorrance spent the first 26 years of his priesthood in the Metropolis of San Francisco, first as assistant priest at Ascension Cathedral in Oakland, California, then as proistamenos at St. Katherine in Redondo Beach, California, after which he founded the parish of St. John the Baptist in Portland, Oregon, where he served for twenty years. While on the West Coast, Fr. Dorrance also served as a member of the Metropolis Council, Vicar of the Northwest region of the Metropolis, and Director of the Metropolis Ministry of Missions and Evangelism. In 2017, he transferred into the Metropolis of Denver in his native Colorado to direct the new Office of Parish Health and Church Growth. Currently, Fr. Dorrance is working toward a Doctor of Ministry degree in Leadership.